I told myself I would only unlock 1 Topps Million Card Giveaway Card.
Blegh. It looks like this card was made on paint. Unsatisfied, I decided to unlock another card...
1977 Topps. Much better. Sweet uniform.
I ended up unlocking all ten cards out of the jumbo. 8/10 cards were from the 70's. The other two from the 80's. Not too shabby.
Can anyway one say "ugliest uniform ever?!" I find it hard to believe that the players actually agreed to wear these things. They must have secretly been paid extra. Yuck.
So all together, I received 1 from 1970. 2 from 1971. 1 from 1975. 4 from 1977. 1 from 1981. 1 from 1984.
My post on the jumbo box break isn't ready yet. However, I can give away a few hints.
*Yankee Hat Logo Card.
*Yankee game used. It's pretty cool...there's actually dirt on the swatch. (I'm excited over dirt? Kinda pathetic, but at least you know it was actually used.)
*2009 Rookie of the Year auto. Not saying which league just yet.
*black border parallel of an Astro.
*got the entire base set with a nice chunk of extras.
*Red Hot Rookie #5
Promise it will be ready for tomorrow!
(Why do I always pull Yankee-related relics?!)
2025 Topps
1 week ago